How to compile Geniatech Netstream 4X Bootloader ================================================ 1. Download and install Ubuntu 12.04.5 LTS 32bit desktop -------------------------------------------------------- Get Ubuntu image from and use image ubuntu-12.04.5-desktop-i386.iso Standard installation, no 3rd party software. I used Oracle VirtualBox (Version 5.1.26 r117224 running on Windows7 64bit), 4GB RAM, 32GB HDD, 128MB Gfx, together with Oracle VM VirtualBox Extension Pack 5.1.14r112924. 2. Upgrade Ubuntu machine ------------------------- open Terminal: sudo apt-get install nfs-common sudo apt-get install xinetd tftpd minicom ccache 3. Copy Geniatech source code ----------------------------- We need to work with the Ubuntu machine on the provided source code. Either copy the code to a local drive, or to an external USB storage device, or to an ttached NAS. Here is the example for a NAS called "S-M-NAS", where we copied the source code archive to the folder /volume1/development/GeniatechOpenSource On the Ubuntu machine, open Terminal and unpack the archive: cd /mnt sudo mkdir nas sudo chmod 777 nas sudo mount -t nfs s-m-nas:/volume1/development nas -nolock cd /mnt/nas cd GeniatechOpenSource tar xzf Netstream4X_uboot.tar.gz 4. Install ARC compiler tool chain ---------------------------------- On the Ubuntu machine, open Terminal: cd /mnt/nas cd GeniatechOpenSource cd Netstream4X_uboot sudo tar xzf arc_gcc_rel4.4.tar.gz -C /opt cd /opt sudo ln -s arc_gcc_rel4.4 arc sudo ln -s arc arc-elf sudo ln -s arc arc-uclibc export PATH=$PATH:/opt/arc/bin 5. Compile uboot image ---------------------- cd /mnt/nas cd GeniatechOpenSource cd Netstream4X_uboot cd vixs/bootloader/uboot_v4.2.12_release_BID3110 export UBOOTVER=4.2.13 export PIDCONF=5 export BIDCONF=0x3110 cd u-boot-src/u-boot-1.1.3 sudo make clean sudo make corsa_nand_config sudo make sudo cp u-boot.img ../../uboot.img -f cd ../.. sudo ./ The resulting image is then used to preprogram the Boot ROM chips before assembly.